• The öops resource Oops resources contain info on planetary disasters. Actually, the term “disasters” is a misnomer, as these occurances simply affect the price of a single commodity at a planet or station, for good or bad. EV uses the name of the resource in the commodity exchange dialog box to indicate that a disaster is currently going on at a planet. The fields of an oops resource are: Stellar The stellar object this disaster is linked to 128-1628 ID of a stellar object -1 Any planet or station (use sparingly) -2 Nothing (used for mission-related news) Commodity Which commodity to affect the price of (0 = food, 1 = industrial, etc.) PriceDelta How much to raise or lower the price. (negative numbers lower it) Duration How many days the disaster lasts. Freq Percent chance per day that the disaster will occur. MissionBit Tells EV to always make this disaster active when a certain mission bit is set. (see mïsn for more info) -1 Ignored 0-191 Activate the disaster when this mission bit is set